Friday, October 22, 2010

0 years 3 months 0 weeks 4 days

Dear Austen,

Oh my dear son, you are doing so well! You are such a wonderful, easy-going child!
You are adapting very well to mommy going back to work, and you are dealing so well with your new schedule. You simply ADORE Grandma’s house! Every Tuesday and Wednesday you wake up with Mommy and have breakfast (mommy-milk!) and then watch some Shaun the Sheep while Mommy wakes up and has coffee. Then you have a diaper change and wait for Mommy to shower before we leave for Grandma’s. You always wake up when we get there and smile! You look around and realize where you are, and just perk right up! I’m beginning to think you enjoy Grandma’s house more than your own home! Haha!
We’ve figured a wonderful arrangement of mixing formula and breastmilk in your bottles and you eat so much better without me. When you’re with me I still give you only formula since I am, after all, the source of the breastmilk!
Daddy is still adjusting and working to find a ‘schedule’ when he is with you, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Sometimes you have a great day with him, other days you just fuss and miss Mommy. One day I drove home on lunch to calm you down, feed you, and put you to sleep. But overall, you are dealing very well. Daddy is learning all your quirks and preferences, and you are getting used to the irregularities of your schedule.
Today you are home with Daddy since it's Friday, and I don’t think he is leaving so I’m going to run home to see you on lunch. I’m sure you’re doing well, but I miss you! You've been sleeping SO much and eating so much lately, I imagine you're sleeping away without a care in the world! Three month growth-spurt!!

Love always,

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