Sunday, September 26, 2010

0 years 2 months 1 week 0 days

Dear Austen,

You've been eating beetles!!!
There was a Similac recall on Thursday, stating that there was the possibility of beetles, beetle parts, and larvae in the formula. Of course as luck would have it, that's what you've been eating! The liquid is okay, which is a good thing, because I bought you Enfamil, and you absolutely HATE it. I can't believe we have been giving you beetles though! So disgusting. We've been making jokes all week...everytime you sneeze- "Beetle in your nose?" or when you fuss "Beetle in your tummy?"!! haha....ugh. I'm so so sorry, son!

I ordered you a bouncer/activity center this morning! You're just so antsy to be upright, you no longer are happy laying down or in your swing. You really need something to hold you up and entertain after looking at a ton of them I finally picked one. It should be here by the end of the week! You're still too small according to the specifications, but a couple of reviews parents said that they bought it for their advanced little ones, so I'm confident that with a little propping you will be okay. Mommy is just so tired of trying to hold you in a standing position all the time!
I tried putting your swing facing the kitchen last night when I made dinner, and it helped because you didn't cry, but you frowned at me the whole time! lol! You just need something more. And you already have used the Johnny Jump Up, but you get bored, so this activity bouncer has lots of toys all over it,. as well as some hooks to add whatever toys we want to. I'm excited!

In other news, this is mommy's last week at home with you! :( I go back to work next week. The time has gone so fast, I can't believe how old you are! Feels like I was just pregnant yesterday! But you will have a lot of fun home with daddy, and Grandma is super excited for the days you will spend with her! I don't have to worry about you while I'm at work, but gosh, I'm still gonna miss you something terrible! I don't even like thinking about it.

Well, perhaps unrelated or not to the beetles, you've been really fussy the past week. Very unhappy and tearful in ways that are unlike you. It might still be the thrush meds, hard to tell, or maybe it's just a phase. Harder to get you to eat from a bottle, and you want to be held all the time. Safe to say, I'm getting less accomplished! haha! But that's okay. Babies will be babies! You've been stuffy lately too, so daddy set up the humidifier in your room. It helped the first night, but you've been in bed with us the last few nights so I may have to move it in there. We will see. It's a nice humidifier though, makes it really nice and moist in the room.

Your two month appointment is Tuesday! Ack! Daddy has to work so I will be taking you all by myself to get your shots! I'm so sad, nothing is harder than watching your baby in pain! But you'll be a good boy I'm sure. I'll just nurse you afterward and I'm sure you will recover. I still feel bad though! The pediatricians office is so nice, I'm sure they'll let me stay and calm you down for as long as I need.

Anyway, you're napping right now so I'm going to get ready, we have to run to Walmart for some more liquid formula since the Enfamil just won't work! It's rainy, and I want to beat the rush. Love you son!

Love Always,

1 comment:

  1. Oh no beetles! Yeesh.
    Collin has an appointment coming up for needles and he's 5...He knows what is going to happen. I've never taken them alone because the tiny cries broke my heart but I'm hoping he'll be ok this time. Hope Austen takes it well!
